The Long Story
The Long Story:
Simon Sinek advises that to get people truly interested in what you are doing, you need to firstly appeal to their “why”, then the “how’ and lastly the “what”.
So here we go...
The Why!
Why do we want a better World?
Well, how bad does it have to get? To what lowest level do we have to reach as a species before we collectively decide to do something about our situation, especially considering what we have to lose?
Currently, we are living in a state of perpetual fear and uncertainty, caught up in a relentless flood of misinformation. Our daily news feeds overwhelm us with everything that is wrong with the World, and so we shrink back in fear, divided, our differences highlighted now more than ever before.
Without alternatives, unless we find a way to unite our World, we will continue down this ever increasingly difficult path of fear, hatred, and destruction, until we cease to exist. Keeping in mind that what we are not changing, we are choosing.
While it is impossible to shut out what is going on around us, we can choose to channel some of our thoughts away from this negativity and focus on love, kindness, and our potential. We can celebrate that we are humans, with an unyielding spirit, and capable of the most amazing acts of love and kindness.
We are not proposing that unifying the World will solve all of mankind’s problems, but it is where we have to start, it’s the prerequisite start. Once we are working together on a global scale, with a positive collective focus, we will then find holistic solutions that benefit everyone including Nature.
Uniting the World is the only way to embrace our humanness and what we have in common. The fact that we all live on the same beautiful green and blue planet, and that we all want to be happy and feel safe.
Added to this, we have this infinite potential that we need to explore. There are countless examples of “impossibles” that we have made possible. We have art, commerce, music, philosophy, science, and technology. We are self-aware. We can contemplate our existence, love, and empathy.
The timing for this is also perfect. We have the technology to unify and synchronise the World. Enough people are now realising that there is more to life than living in fear. Enough people are starting to understand that what we focus on dramatically affects our reality.
So, with all this amazing potential for greatness, linked to an insuppressible “never-say-die attitude”, it is time for us to pull it all together.
It is time for us to unite proactively rather than reactively. We have the opportunity to take control of our existence. In fact, it is our duty! Every single one of us has a duty to contribute to a better future. Changing our World has to become our primary, collective mission. It is what we must all be talking about, all the time, at meetings, dinners and social gatherings.
We will want to tell future generations that we did something great. That we contributed to changing the World.
To quote Alice Walker: “We are the ones we have been waiting for” and let’s not leave out John Lewis: “If not us, then who? And if not now, then when?”
That is our “why” and we hope that it helps you realise the magnitude of our situation and at the same time, the limitless potential of the beautiful World we will create when we get this right.
Now let’s get to the “How”...
The How?
How do we change the collective focus and unite the World?
It is the first time in our known history that a thought or concept can spread around the World instantly. We now have the technology to synchronise our efforts as well as record and share demonstrations of love, compassion, and cooperation as motivation to others and as testimony to our commitment to a better World.
We use this technology to combine 4 scientifically proven and/or obvious principles:
What you focus on, you attract. The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon. It is the phenomena that when you are looking at buying a new car, you see that specific model of car everywhere. By focusing on kindness and love, you will notice kindness and love everywhere, which inevitably changes your behaviour to a kinder and more loving one.
The process of working cooperatively with a group of people in order to achieve a common goal.
The difference between ten thousand people cheering one at a time and ten thousand people all cheering at the same time.
We have to do things repeatedly for them to have a lasting effect.
These 4 principles combined equate to synchronising the World for 5 minutes of focus/prayer/mindfulness, at exactly the same moment, every day.
This focus can be expressed in prayer, meditation, being present, gratitude, giving someone a much-needed hug, spending conscious time with your family or being in nature. Whatever makes you happy, brings you to the present and changes your focus to love and kindness.
These sessions will help us change our focus, individually and collectively. This renewed focus will affect how we conduct ourselves in our everyday lives, triggering the instinctive need to do better, affecting our environment, as our environment affects the World.
These sessions will also have the effect of making everyone feel that they are part of an unstoppable team!
These sessions are the team huddles of our lives.
Society is you, the trader, the baker, the candlestick maker. If you change, you change society.
You will stand up after those 5 minutes feeling connected, motivated, recharged, and powerful, able to handle your life better, knowing that the whole World is behind you. Your cheerleaders. Somedays you will contribute more to the team. Other days you will draw on the strength of the team. That is what working together is all about.
Doing these sessions every day will ingrain them as a daily habit. Our daily habits create our reality, and our reality creates the World. No change can ever happen until you change what you do every day.
Most importantly, these daily sessions are our collective, active demonstration of unity.
Logic will dictate that true, lasting peace can only be achieved peacefully, as unity can only be achieved if everyone is involved. So, we have to do this together, with enthusiasm and determination.
Every individual, irrespective of race, gender, religion, or nationality needs to realise that they are absolutely critical in uniting the World. Even the largest group is made up of individuals, so everyone matters, and everyone is needed.
This is the one thing that literally everyone can participate in. This is the one thing that literally everyone must participate in.
Never feel that your area of “influence” is too small to make a global difference. Inevitably you interact with people every day. The interaction could be holding the door open or letting someone in in traffic. Even if it is just 5 people a day and they interact with 5 people a day, you are 3 degrees of separation away from 125 people, 5 degrees from 3125. Maybe the person you were kind to was on their way to a huge meeting, and now they are in a better mood. Maybe another person was depressed, and now they feel positive and appreciated.
So how do we get enough people to reach critical mass?
Firstly, if social media platforms and messaging apps can have billions of daily users, then doing something together to change our World and our lives will be very easy.
Next, let us look at the numbers differently. We all know at least 30 people. If we each get just one of these 30 people to join per week, and they in turn also get one person to join per week, and this is repeated, in less than 30 weeks, that’s less than 8 months, we would be over a billion people doing this together. A couple of weeks later the whole World. Some might feel that one person a week is difficult, and it might be for some, but there are also people with huge followings that could get thousands of people to join in a week. And since all that is being asked for is 5 of the 1440 minutes available to us every day, to help change our World, we believe that this is a very achievable target.
Multi-level marketing to change the World.
Surely, every individual, influencer, celebrity, businessperson, political leader, and religious leader, who is genuinely concerned about the wellbeing of all mankind, will want to promote and participate with us. Well, it has now become everyone’s duty to get involved.
For these 5 minutes a day, we will suspend our individual beliefs and agendas. And then, after the sessions, we will go back to our individuality, our cultures, and our religions but now knowing that the rest of the World respects our rights, as we respect theirs. With this mutual respect, we will be able to appreciate each other’s uniqueness. It is our differences that makes life so interesting and beautiful.
Some people might find it difficult to envisage how we can all stop for 5 minutes a day, yet we get it right for events like the Olympics and the Soccer World Cup when billions of people from all around the World, spend hours together watching the finals.
Well, this is our finals, us against our fears and ignorance. We need to create that comradery of match day. Everyone is wearing the t-shirts. Stickers are on the cars. Flags are on the houses. Suddenly race, religion, gender… none of these matters. We have a game to win and that is all that is important.
Since we can do this for a game, we must do it for our lives and the lives of future generations.
We must make this our mission.
That is how we change the collective focus and unite the World.
Now to the “What!”...
The What?
The “what” is the MEUS App.
The MEUS App is a free app that synchronises people around the World to be mindful at exactly the same moment, every day. That is its main purpose and function. This is accomplished with a countdown until the next session, a gong to start and end each session, a breathing guide to help regulate your breath during the sessions, guided and instrumental meditations, and a team feature that allows you to create teams to keep yourself and your friends motivated. Click here to find out more about the App and its features.
What you need to do now is the following 4 simple things:
- Download the free MEUS app here.
- Join us in at least 1 of the 4 daily sessions. The daily sessions are timed 6 hours apart, so that everyone can find at least 1 convenient time slot a day to join, but you can join as many sessions as you want.
- Every Sunday, 1 of the 4 daily sessions will be the Weekly Global Session, where everyone from all time zones, will make a concerted effort to participate in this particular session. The slot selection is on rotation to give every time zone a convenient time slot at least every 4th Sunday. Here is the timetable.
Get involved:
- Get your friends and family to join. Create teams and keep each other motivated. Introduce at least one person per week to MEUS. At one person per week, it will take us less than a year to get the whole World involved.
- Post, share and mention MEUS on all your social media accounts. Post pictures of where you did your daily session. Post your good deed for the day ideas.
- Do 1 anonymous good deed a day.